Hello! I'm Truls Rockström!
an aspiring game programmer.

During high school I developed a passion for programming, this led me to ask the question, what can you do with code? 
One thing that I have done my entire life since first touching a computer is to love video games, so that question only hade one sensible answer
Video games!
So I studied game programming at Malmö University for three years and then deepened my knowledge at The Game Assembly. Needless to say it has been a blast but now I'm ready to enter the industry.
The areas in which I have some experience are C++, HLSL and Direct X 11. I've also worked with C# and Unity a lot.
During my time at TGA I've become enthralled with game engines. creating core systems for others to use is very rewarding and then being able to quickly use them as a solid base to create gameplay is also a fantastic feeling. 
In case you want to contact me you can use the form below or just send an email at your leisure to truls@rockstrom.nu

Thank you!
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